H2 Consulting AG

Enterprise Risk Assessment & Management
Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment provide vital information about the risks and opportunities in your organisation.
Informative dashboards and actionable reports facillitate the initiation of actions, controls or audits to address key risks or a change in the risk environment.
This seamless integration supports both risk mitigation and opportunitiy maximisation in all enterprise operations.
Enterprise Regulatory Compliance & Internal Controls
Keeping your regulatory and ESG compliance on track has never been easier.
Our internal controls module makes the allocation, execution and monitoring of controls efficient and effective.
Monitor progress with our detailed dashboards and receive timely reports which are quick to generate edit and distribute

Enterprise Issue & Action Management
Identify issues during audits or compliance activities and track them till their resolution using our centralised repository.
Establish and allocate actions through automated workflows and monitor progress with ease.
Email alerts with direct links keep the process on track.
Enterprise Internal Audit
Streamline internal audit planning and execution and reduce the time and costs involved with our userfriendly features and collaborative workflows.
Real time progress monitoring of audits and issues increase speed to closure.
Analytics borads,enable continuous monitoring of KPIs and KRIs from across the enterprise

Enterprise Control Testing
Determine the effectiveness of your controls and evaluate their design using our control testing module.
Document your test approach, attach samples tested and proof where required.
View results on a clearly graded dashboard and use the results to fine tune your compliance and risk mitigation process